Wednesday, 25 February 2015


01.02. - 11.02.2015

after 2007, ( my 2nd time in Sydney  and I had a great time. I did not much of sight seeing. I met a good "old" friend, Joerg from Germany.
We have not seen each other for over 20 years !  great reunion after such a long time !

I joined twice a "Meet-Up" meeting:  the group "English as a 2nd language" and "German language group". awesome to meet so many interesting people !

A big, but unplanned highlight was a live-interview on ABC News with Ros Childs.

One of my hosts, Sarah (photo below) who worked at ABC, gave me a short guided tour at the ABC, and told some collegues about my trip. In the evening I got an invitation from Ros Childs for the next day. these are the coincidences in your life :-) .

and the following day I got an invitation from Wolfgang Mueller (not related) from SBS German Radio.

Wolfgang Mueller from SBS German Radio

John, my first host (AirBnB) in Sydney. big fun with him !
Sarah and Angie, my other great hosts in Sydney .

Sydney Darling Harbour. Do not swim there, Bullsharks !

Darling Harbour Bridge

"Löwenbräu" at The Rocks !


Aboriginal with didgeridoo. awesome sound !

on the way over the Anzac Brigde

Chinatown ,

Chinese foodcourt, so yummy :-)

clock in the Queen Victoria Building

another clock in the Queen Victoria Building

with Thomas from Germany. tasty food at "Löwenbräu" :-)

left side: the Maze Backpackers. my first accommodation in 2007 in Australia. at this time it was so dirty....and it seems to be still dirty .....  look at => tripadvisor

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